Virtualizing XP Pro in VMware – Going from static IP to DHCP causes XP Pro to not obtain an IP address

During a conversion using VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client, we ran in to a most interesting problem. We were converting from a static IP address to a DHCP address, and after converting, the XP box would not pick up a DHCP address.

What we found was, when you tell VMware to convert, XP goes from having a Ethernet card to now using VMware’s Flexible or VMXnet3 adapter. When XP Pro gets this new adapter, it automatically assigns the IP address as DHCP [or simply put, none…]

Trouble was, nobody [hint:VMware Converter] told XP Pro to turn on the “DHCP Client” in the services menu. Therefore, you end up with a XP Pro system that will never obtain a DHCP because without the “DHCP Client” set to “automatic” in the services menu, XP Pro can never obtain an address. The fix, just turn the “DHCP Client” in XP Pro from manual to automatic, reboot the system, and voila, DHCP now works on the XP Client you just virtualized.

Hope this helps,